It is always looking for concealed attackers. Inhuman IntellectĪ beholder sees in all directions. To call this process reproduction would be inaccurate, because in most cases the old and new beholders fight to the death-a fact for which the rest of the world is thankful. As a result, on rare occasions when a beholder dreams of another beholder, the dream-reality becomes warped and takes on physical form, becoming another actual beholder. Instead, a beholder’s mind remains semiconscious even as it dreams. In addition, beholders don’t truly sleep when they rest. While a human tyrant might be rightfully paranoid about unperceived threats, a beholder is paranoid even though it perceives everything, because that attitude is the natural companion to eternal vigilance.īeholders are among the few creatures that can shape reality in their vicinity.

This way of thinking could be interpreted as a form of paranoia-and if so, it would be the most extreme form imaginable.

The mind of a beholder is powerful and versatile enough that it can envision literally any possibility, and it prepares accordingly, making it virtually impossible for any invaders to catch it unawares. A human chess player becomes a master by honing the ability to look several moves ahead during a game-which is still no match for what a beholder can accomplish with its superior intelligence and awareness. For instance, where a prideful, confident human might be cowed by a serious threat, the arrogance of a beholder knows no such bounds: it believes that it is superior to every other creature, even including other beholders. Some of the behaviors and motivations that beholders exhibit are analogous to those of humans and other intelligent creatures. Inside the comfortable confines of its subterranean lair, a beholder is nearly unassailable thanks to the combination of its peerless intellect and the brutal effects of its eye rays. These bizarre creatures are possessed of alien intelligence, inhuman forms of perception, and the ability to shape reality through force of will-or even by their mere presence. To those who would seek to conquer beholders or merely understand them, nearly everything about their quarry is unfathomable. Buffed by reducing the debuff duration from 2 minutes to 1 minute.Monstrous Compendium Vol 3: Minecraft Creatures. Buffed by nerfing damage loss during Critically Exhausted from 15% to 10%.